Amir and Cha who are kicked out of their kingdom and must fight to find their way back to the Gates.
Parables is a fresh new series with a new look at ancient parables.
Identity Theft
The Identity Theft of the Messiah exposed like never before.
Darash searches for answers to the deepest question of her life. Who is the God she knows?
The Process

Zayan Studios fulfills a need for set-apart entertainment during a time of famine for the Truth.


Our process is simple. Every story is built off of the Truth (𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏). This makes a compelling and dynamic story that leaves audiences entertained and empowered.


Here's where months, and years worth of planning count. We enjoy making movies, and if you would like to join our production team, reach out to us!


Our priority is to be the key player in the distribution, connecting directly to our audience. Even in the digital age, we value physical experience. Would you like to become a distribution partner, contact us!


We strive to fulfill the need for set-apart entertainment during a time of famine for the Truth. Truth that leaves a lasting impact for generations! Join us in this process, by email us!

The Story Behind the Studio

Castings + Jobs

  • 6/01/2023
    Multi-Positions - Evert (Feature Film)
    Phelan, CA

Lastest News

Zayan Studios, founded by Dennis Delemar, will host the first Greenwood Film Festival the weekend of June 12-14, 2021 in Tulsa, Oklahoma and will premiere...

Zayan Studios of Los Angeles, California, founded by Dennis Delemar previously of Tulsa, is now filming their latest short film, “Black Wall Street-An America Nightmare”...

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Zayan Studios

Zayan Studios
California, USA

Center Office

5551 Hollywood Blvd, #1192 Hollywood, USA

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